Christmas in July: Start Saving NOW!

It’s officially here… the countdown to Christmas! It goes without saying that once the “Christmas in July” sales begin and Hobby Lobby has the Christmas décor out, you may want to start making your list! If you haven’t begun to save yet for all of the holiday festivities, here’s a few tips to make saving for the holidays easy!

  1. Set a Budget
  2. Starting with a budget is a great way to keep a tight rein on what you want to spend this holiday season. The one trick is to stick to it! Decide how much you can spend on gifts, decorations, travel, food, Christmas cards, and even stamps. Be sure to add a little extra for unplanned purchases that you just can’t pass up!

  3. Make a List
  4. Santa isn’t the only one that needs a list! Write out who’s on your “Nice” list & how much you want to spend on each person. If you can’t make your budget & list work together, try cutting down your list or cutting your amount for each person. After all, it’s the thought that counts, not just the amount!

  5. Start Saving Now
  6. If you haven’t saved for the holiday season yet this year, start now. Once you’ve got your budget set, set an amount to take out of each paycheck from now until Christmas. That way, you’re not spending all of your paycheck close to the holidays, and you’ve already got your spending money set back.

  7. Use Rewards Points
  8. You may have rewards points from debit cards, credit cards, department stores, or other purchases you have made throughout the year. Cash in those reward points to get a gift for someone else. If you bank here at FirstCNB, you’ve likely got rewards points waiting on you simply by using your debit card! Click here to learn more about FirstCNB Rewards.

  9. Start Planning for Next Year
  10. We know, we aren’t even to this Christmas yet! But trust us, you’ll thank us this time next year if you start saving now! Many banks, including FirstCNB, offer Christmas Saving accounts. These are a great way to save continuously throughout the year by making direct deposits, big or small, into your savings account each week! These funds add up, and you likely won’t miss the money!

And lastly, be sure to remember the reason for the season. It’s easy to get caught up in the holiday spirit and overspend. But the thrill of giving nice gifts, hosting big parties, and fancy Christmas dinners is fleeting compared to the stress that comes later, when you have to pay for it all. By planning ahead, saving money, and sticking to a budget, you can avoid debt and keep your spirits up long after the holiday lights go out!